Thursday, 22 April 2010

............AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!

The above photos are from our friends Wedding that took place on a sunny February day at a beautiful Manor House in Castle Combe. N and I were official Photographers for the proceedings which was both nerve racking and fun at the same time. I am still a little learner when it comes to ISO's and F Stops and have a long way to go in that department, but I got some lovely shots that I was pretty proud of. The top shot of the beautiful Bride (Vikki) and Groom (Andrew) was one of mine and the lower one was one of N's of the gorgeous little flower girls, which I love!
This wedding was followed 3 weeks later by another friends, that again we were Photographing. This one was also a complete joy to be a part of although at times a bit of a challenge for the shots! The wedding was early March an absolutely glorious day with the weather (not great for taking photos though!) The day started for us and our cameras at about 7am (groan!) with the wedding taking place at the Roman Baths in Bath at 8:30am (yep you read it right 8:30). Followed by a fry-up in the famous Pump Rooms, followed by a river cruise on 'The Penny Lane' back to the Baths for Canapes, Dinner (amazing!!) and live band (accompanied by the Bride for one song!) and DJ in the elegant surroundings of the Roman Baths buildings. It was soooooooo rock'n'roll!!! Pictures to follow my Aperture application is playing up a bit so will add these as soon as my techs-pert (that's N) gets back tomorrow!
In other news........I joined Slimming World, the chocolate that goes along with the crafting had finally begun to protrude from my every juncture, so..........there was next to no choice!! It is going fairly well I am 10 and a half pounds lighter and determined to increase this!

Perhaps enough for now (eh Mum!!)

Belinda x